26 September 2006

When the Saints Go Marching In

Just a quick update this week as I continue my journey up the Mississippi River.

I’ve been walking the River Road all day as it winded along the foot of the levee. It was a pleasant walk, with cool air. Keeping me company were cattle and horses grazing peacefully on the levees under rich blue skies. I’m currently on the west bank of the river opposite Louisiana State University.

It’s late, almost 10:00pm and I’m looking for a place to bed down. I can hear screams from across the river coming from the campus. Sounds like a big party or something. While checking into a cheap hotel just under the I-10 near Port Allen, I asked the clerk, “What’s going on out there”?

There are cars honking outside and I can hear more shouts from the hotel rooms. The clerk told me, “the Saints just kicked Atlanta’s butt at the Superdome. It’s the first time they played there since Katrina. They now have a 3 – 0 record. I bet’cha New Orleans will be a crazy place tonight.”

I bet it will be, too. New Orleans, at least for now, is not thinking about anything else but football. Good for them.

Well, I look forward to the road ahead of me. It will be fresh, away from the places I’ve known since childhood and college times. The state of Mississippi is in my sights and I look forward to crossing over to the east bank.

More later.


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